Login Problems


User Stuck on ‘Login failed / Please wait…’


Each resolution is supposed to trigger E30 or E64 (Security Check), which causes a login link to be emailed to you. Once you receive E30 or E64, check your email and login. If you do not receive E30 or E64, continue onto the next resolution.

  1. Open a Private Browsing tab and attempt to login to your xat account.
  2. Clear your cache and cookies and try logging in again.
  3. Attempt to login to xat using your mobile device using cellular data, not wifi. Make sure the browser you are using on your mobile device is compatible with flash, such as Puffin.
  4. Use a proxy and attempt to login to xat. The proxy should trigger E30 or E64, if either error has been received, turn off your proxy and login using the link sent to your email.

An alternative method is to turn off account protection, login, click ” update security settings” and toggle “account protection” to off. Turning off protection will hurt your account’s security.

User’s Security Check Email not Arriving


If the user is using a different email provider other than Gmail, then it’s most likely an issue with the email provider.

Check all spam/junk folders and make sure that the email is not set to block emails from info@xat.com.

Another solution would be to login again and see if an email arrives the second time around.  The last solution would be to try waiting a few hours to see if it appears to be fixed.

If none of the solutions above work, open a ticket under “Lost access” so that xat can look into this issue and change the email address associated with the account, if necessary.

User Receiving E25 (Wrong username and/or password)

If the user forgets their password or wishes to reset it, they can visit the lostpass page to request a new password.

If the username they are entering is case sensitive and they aren’t sure if it’s fully correct, they can login with the email associated to their xat account instead.